Hello! Welcome to my blog!
If we haven’t met before, my name is Exelia and this is a little corner of the internet where I like to talk about cosplay! This website is finally back with a nice shiny update and lots of new content – I hope you enjoy exploring and reading everything I have to share!
My Profile is much more streamlined and the Costume Gallery has been completely overhauled. Each costume has a gallery to browse, with detailed Construction Notes & Construction Galleries explaining material choices, techniques, personal critique and progress images. It’s not a complete portfolio of my work, but it’s a lot of it!
This Blog has also been updated! A lot of my older entries have been removed to tidy things up, so it’s looking a little empty right now. There will be lots of dedicated articles and advice coming soon – the kind I share at events during talks or panels, but in a handy permanent format to refer back to!
Event entries are retired. Costume Roundup entries have also been removed from the blog, as they have a new home in the Costume Gallery as Construction Notes!
If you have any feedback on the updates, please don’t hesitate to let me know! I’m always looking to improve my content and share my experiences in the best ways possible!
If you like my work, you can support me on Ko-Fi!
Thank you for popping by! If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me via any of my social media;
Facebook: exeliacosplay
Instagram: exeliax
Twitter: exeliax